First of all, to prepare the artichoke and anchovy pie, clean the artichokes by removing the external leaves, the thorns and finally the internal fluff. Let’s slice them finely and put them in water, previously acidulated with lemon juice, to make sure they don’t blacken.

Then we clean the anchovies, removing the head; then open them like a book by passing a finger along the central bone and remove it. Rinse the anchovies well and let them dry on a sheet of absorbent paper.

Take a baking tray, line it with baking paper and brush it with oil. Drain the artichokes and put a layer on the bottom, season them with salt and pepper, sprinkle everything with a part of parsley and a sprinkling of breadcrumbs, a little oil, and cover with a layer of open anchovies that we will season as the artichokes.

We continue with another layer of artichokes, anchovies and more artichokes, seasoning each layer with parsley, breadcrumbs, salt, pepper and oil. As a last layer we put the anchovies, closed, arranging them radially on the artichokes and season them only with oil and breadcrumbs.

Cook the artichoke and anchovy pie in a preheated oven at 190-200 ° C for about 30 minutes.