Let’s start making this apricot ice cream by carefully washing and pitting the apricots. Then steam them for about 3 minutes in the special basket.

Then let them cool, remove the skin and pass them through a fine-meshed vegetable mill. We keep the purée in a bowl that we are going to put in the fridge until completely cooled.

Prepare the syrup by dissolving the sugar with the water and lemon juice in a saucepan over low heat; when it reaches boiling, let it simmer for a few minutes and then let it cool.

In a bain-marie pot, heat the water without boiling it. In a smaller saucepan than the previous pot, mix the egg yolks with the sugar syrup and using a whisk, preferably electric, whip everything by immersing the saucepan in the bain-marie.

When the mixture of egg yolks and sugar is frothy and soft, transfer the saucepan to a bowl with ice and water to cool it, stirring constantly.

Incorporate the very cold apricot purée into the cream and stirring gently, from bottom to top, also incorporate the whipped cream.

Then place the bowl in the freezer and mix it often to make the ice cream creamy and homogeneous.

We then serve the apricot ice cream in a bowl decorating it with apricot halves cooked for 5 or 6 minutes in water and sugar.