Let’s start preparing our sesame trout fillets by mixing the peppery lemon juice with two tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil.

We take a baking tray and line it with parchment paper; grease the parchment paper with a little oil and spread the trout fillets with the skin facing the paper.

Brush the trout with the previously prepared emulsion and let it marinate for at least 20 minutes.

We take a non-stick pan and, without adding any seasoning, toast the sesame, stirring constantly to keep it from burning.

At this point, salt the fillets, brush them with beaten egg and cover them with chopped breadsticks and toasted sesame.

Finally, put the pan in the preheated oven at 200 ° for about 7 – 8 minutes.

Our sesame trout fillets are now ready to be served. Enjoy your meal.