As a first step in the preparation of our croquettes with meat sauce, let’s make a risotto with broth, rice, oil and onion. Add the egg and the parmesan, and then spread the rice on baking paper to let it cool.
In order to prepare our delicious ragù, we have to stew the onion, previously chopped, with oil and a little broth (just a few tablespoons), and finally a pinch of salt.
After 4 minutes add the ham, followed by the previously soaked, squeezed and chopped mushrooms. Add the tomato sauce and cook for another 3 minutes, then let it cool.
With the now cold rice, form spheres and place them on baking paper; take the sphere with one hand and form a dimple in its center with the other hand, fill it with ragù and diced mozzarella; close the ball with slightly damp hands to prevent the rice from sticking.
Pass the croquettes in the flour, in the egg and finally in the breadcrumbs; after the completion of this step, fry them in abundant oil. Finally, drain the croquettes and place them on absorbent paper.
Our croquettes with meat sauce will be ready.